
Theoretically? Sure- but I think Nashville & the south in general have the issue of King Footbaw (cause IDGAF what time of year it is, Footbaw is King south of the Mason Dixon line) along with income, disposable income in particular being an issue. I know everyone mentions ATL being a issue w fan draw but Nashville is

Took me a second but....bravo.

Until quibble level things like systemic racism & Officer Hamhock shooting kids 16 times in the back and players saying something about it get in the way of that entertainment. When they’ll promptly tell them to dance...but not too much cause that will distract from the business of entertaining. 

Completely forgot about that, and I’m sure most people old enough to be around did also. The best part is it was so effective that ppl now think his giant break with tradition is how his name is actually pronounced.

Demographics and in some cases...ironically, lack of bodies due to issues outside of their (the school’s) control. A lot of HBCU’s have white students in athletics particuarly for sports that we, the black delegation, aren’t known for playing- golf, baseball etc. I have a former student who signed up to go to a

Update to the update: Bono deleted that tweet, and gave some mealy mouth response about being there for “all gymnasts” Of course the unwritten but fully understood corollary is “that show fealty to the flag in a fashion I find appropriate and that don’t go Tommie Carlos on the podium”

If there were a criminal investigation possibly. IDK if ‘obstruction’ is a thing in this regard. But the actions taken would fit into that IMO. 


But he won’t catch them.

My favorite memory of the Metroplex is my mother in the mid 90s seeing that our flight from Sacramento to ATL would be stopping in Dallas and proceeding to bring her 49ers Super Bowl shirt, SF jacket, SF hat & red pants to wear through the airport, with the most casual “what’s going on” look as she makes eye contact

That this is an issue makes me think her union is damn near worthless. Wife & I both teach, both in city we grew up in and have run into students, parents etc. and yes, in some social settings. But a lot of my coworkers esp older teachers feel like you; they’ve talked about being constantly looking for exits when they

And this, ladies and gentlemen is why strong unions are so important. In CA, if she were in a district with even a subpar union, little would happen to her (as should be the case) What I do as a teacher outside the class has no bearing on what I do in it. And if you feel otherwise you better have a damn good

I so wish your comments weren’t deserving of this star.

Other than his Rothlisberger assessment, and only cause he’s got old Ben vs Big Ben so he doesn’t have the best reference point, everything else is pretty spot on. 

On point usage. native NorCal (cause that is our shit, fk Gwen & her biting ass) so when I tell you that’s hella good usage, it’s hella good usage. 

Completely nailed it w the Yo Gabba Gabbert reference. Esp considering who Jalen plays for. 

Salt added to Corona is SOP right? (at least in CA?)

Alvin Kamara: Spokesman of a new generation. 

What’s that now? The season?!? You kidding me? The season?! We’re just trying to make it month! Another month!

More parenting?? How many parents you want these kids to have Ed?