
Lets go ahead & roll every league in on that one. But hey, it's among one of the great perpetuated falsehoods we have. Right up there w/trickle down Econ.

Pretty much nailed it. I can't do fellow 'Christians' (term used loosely) & the "Leviticus says you are all damned & heAthens going to hell for being gay" ..as they stand there with their cross tattoos, blended fabrics & wearing pants (for the women) -__- it's like 'Seriously??'

well we know who is ready to take the Tebow mantle. The new SEC mediocre QB tactic: When draft status & NFL future is hazy, embrace the fundies.

this is only the latest 'incident' w him. And none of the others require lip reading.

Wonder if he'll ever get national media (non DS) or discussion on thuggery like Richard Sherman.

"We win with graciousness, except when we are blatantly cheating by secretly videotaping other teams."

Well when your wife goes to the Dr & when she mentions crossfit he tells her "want me to give you a referral to the chiropractic department now, & you just redeem it when you need it" (real shit. One of the many reasons we love our dr.) and all 4 people I know who went to "certified" cross fit gyms now all have back

Pretty much. And depending on his income level won't have deductible since he'd be MAGI medicare/medi-cal eligible. The new disability alone (should) give him Medicare & SSI w MAGI medicare/the exchanges covering the rest.

+1 on the HS to pro distain. Looking back & knowing I have kid now: take the money and run. You can always go back to school, and as long as you aren't dumber than whale shit admission won't be an issue. Even less so if you are moderately good/known in your sport. Not to mention unless you go into a highly specialized

The NFL has rooting interest in many super bowls. IMO quite a bit of the last few have been a bit too "storyline" heavy, That Super bowl included. Am I'm I saying the league has rigged games outright or had knowledge of shenanigans? Outside of the Pats/STL Super bowl, which I will go to my grave knowing was a sham &

Holy shit. I almost dropped my tablet laughing at this. We are all going to hell in flaming handbaskets.

Well aren't you just a poster child for all that ails America?

I think we all (should) know the double standard re: athletes & their actions in respect to race is well established. see: reactions to dez Bryant vs based god Brady or Romo's yelling at teammates & coaches.

Unless you weren't paying attention to the season incl. playoffs & super bowl last year I find that hard to believe.

Taking that- I'd say NOLA has more likes just off the Seaducks being still very regionalized in their fan base. And the pacific nw isn't a dense enough population area to offset that. Add that w the Brees fans/Saints fans post Katrina (from a casual fan standpoint the Saints are a great team to support, great QB

The "just hand the ball to the ref" & "classy/played with class" topics normally only come up in the same situations "old school" is code for. Wonder if anyone is going to tell Rodgers just hand the ball to the ref instead of his belt thing, or Rivers' sideline spasms?

and reading what the map/graph is supposed to represent/data pulled from? Nah.

Saints win= higher chance of 1 more game at the stick AND SF not having to to Seattle.

That criteria nixes one of the main draws for winter Olympics & few for summer.

Anyone want to place odds on how red is going to try and walk this back?