
Connected? Understatement
Partisan? Very likely. The Republican party has been buttering his bread from day 1. His dad was a senator. Granted a moderate in his day (so unelectable to the pachiderms now) but still.

I wrote it as my 2 year old was jumping on my shoulders- sue me. And as further proof of #2 Go look in some the unpromoted comments. Amurica.. Fuck Y- Oh forget it.

Exactly. Thanks.

1) Great spot on, article regarding Chael and his schtick (I say schtick cause I'm trying to believe people aren't actually that idiotic.) Especially in light of the whole "Bones is bad for the sport" basically cause he didn't shuck & shuffle on cue for massa White.

"My client is completely innocent."

To: Amanda Thatcher

See you are dealing with G+ which on a whole has a entirely different demographic and user base. Intelligence, conversation and the like are still valued, likely because the masses haven't swarmed in. FB is the current myspace equivalent with the user base, random postings cover photos etc. The only thing missing is

I'm in this same boat. I used to correct people, provide links to actual facts etc. try to reason with them, try to engage in intellectual debate. Especially when you'd have people w the "Obama secret muslim, read his college paper","KFC isn't Kentucky Fried Chicken cause they have no chicken", "look at this classist,

reread your post. you call out his post & post a link.. to agree with his post?? And question his paying attention to his money?? WTF?

He was 100% right its a 10% FVF and 2.9%+.30 IF she does PayPal.
White Knighting be damned, you just got caught trying to snark someone and ended up being in the wrong. Deal with it.

2 best yard/thrift sale finds i had: an original Nintendo, w zapper and the all cords for from a garage sale. apparently someone used the box to hid their stash cause when we opened it, 2 old copies of Juggs and a joint were in it. Not bad for $10

other one was a Colt 45 Billy Dee williams sign I paid $75 for. Sold it

almost same problem here. There are too many for profit thrift stores in area so goodwill & Salvation army sell a lot of their real good stuff and the rest gets hawked by the delivery watchers.

meh. Shrink wrapping is easy to get redone, especially for whoever buys this. It's one of the reasons IDK why people get so butt hurt over it for many things.

That doesn't discredit what he said. In fact it verifies it. On basic listings, Ebay charges 10% up to $250 which means if she sells it for over $2500 as far as ebay is concerned she's ahead over the shop. Paypal fees are 2.9% +.30 so if she sells it >$3000 she's ahead on shop's 15-20% rate.
Even if she does a

which is worse, the post or the 26 (and likely counting) nitwits who concurred?

so wait there's no anal in this video?? Pfft. waste of film.

As for your Jenelle/Jenelle mom/Keefah video.. Do I smell a porn parody??

the guy who we haven't confirmed had anything to do with it? That guy? Ah screw it, as Richard Jewell showed us, first guy caught is ALWAYS the one who did it right??

I'd plus you the current American death toll in Iraq BUT you can't invade someplace you haven't left.

"Links to Saudi nationals? Time to invade Iran!!" - Republicans

LETS PRETEND HE IS. - Ted Kaczynski, Eric Rudolph, Tim McVeigh, Terry Nichols, D David Hull & John Allen Muhammad (DC Sniper) & co.

Don't forget yahoo. Never forget yahoo.