
@HealyHQ: You could select more than one option?

A viscous attack? They're the worst. I mean, I would consider a runny attack if someone turned off my console, but this is too far.

@RD Matt: You can drop it out at 10,000 feet and it will be fine. Stupidly, from smaller distances they might not be able to ready themselves for a landing.

@djsmiley2k: Most people don't need instructions...

@tgrantt: agreed, and with slower connections it's a bitch.

@TheFu: I initially started to do that, then whipped up a ruby script to generate my passwords in a way I could control. Then I stuck it online for the added benefit of being able to access it online, when I might be away from my keychain.

@Red_Flag: As I said above, I hit a huge roadblock when I lost all my saved passwords one day. Hours to reset everything online.

I made a little app to help me generate secure passwords online.

VOTE: Handbrake

"Now stand perpendicular to the line with the west on your left and east on your right and you should be looking at true north."

@shadowfirebird: "why else use a card?" - For exactly the reasons given above. Unless you haven't noticed, the readership of LifeHacker tend to be fairly intelligent and less prone to stupid credit debt.

20% work for money

@spraveenitpro: And stops yet another development process of a childs mind :D Wooo! Why not just raise them in a warm box until the age of 20?