
That’s a good thing.

ThaT’S when I have to clean my windshield.


Automated driver aids are banned in F1, and something that automatically adjusts toe angle on the fly would almost certainly fall under that banner. See Renault being disqualified for a race last year for an automated brake bias system.

this falls under ‘no shit sherlock’ yet it seems no one has tried it before.

I mean...David...come on...You’ve done amazing things mechanically with these old, decrepit jeeps and you’re very mechanically inclined, but then you let water just freeze inside the block?

He's only 67? 

10 Escalades in 11 years? And you’re sure they’re not leasing? They actually buying these? Do they just like the feeling of depreciation on a new car? Is this their way of contributing to the “trickle down” of Escalades?

I say hold out for more off if you’re interested in the Escalade. Let GM eat the costs. They need to learn how to properly transition old to new product.

It’s not domestic. It’s German.

This is what irks me... even mainstream-badged SUVs and pickups easily crest into the $50-70k+ pricerange these days. That kind of “every day” purchase price for a “family” vehicle is completely unsustainable, economically.

Wait until you see how much Tahoes cost....

last Domestic wagon

Better proportions than the Gladiator!

Hot take: It looks better than a Jaguar E-Type

make it a 2 door and I would be sold.

I just think it’s flat out too big as well as too expensive. At about 218" long, it’s almost 6" longer than a than any other midsize truck while having the shortest bed (yeah, only a fraction of a inch, but my point stands). It’s not like it’s really much roomier inside than the competitors. While it is super cool,

That’s the problem, you can get a bigger, more capable truck for the same money. There were plenty of Gladiators at the local Jeep dealership for well into the $50k range. That’s 3/4 ton truck money. I love the idea of a Wrangler pickup priced to compete with midsize offerings, not so much priced against 1/2 to 3/4

I love that the driver’s airbag went sideways far enough to allow the driver to smack their face on the wheel and dashboard.  Perfectly useless.

So, slow, heavy and unexciting?