hurr. pancakes

Good thing the gg was censored, no one will be able to know what he's saying

They've already said they aren't announcing a new console at E3, and they've done this every year the past couple years, so I don't think anything new is coming out soon.

As long as you have an id from a school, it should be cool.

You mean a video game blog posted a large number of articles about a highly anticipated video game!?

Tips for playing Diablo III the best way:

When I saw MasterLock in the video, the first thing I thought of was Skyrim.

I think yours is the best explanation I've read in the comments

I thought it was a female! All I wanted was some milk!

High resolution would be nice.


As it outsells the Vita eight to one.

That "hire me now" in the slide bar comes off as very desperate.

Stop calling it retina, JEEZ

I'm guessing he was aiming for the hard drive and missed. I don't think data can be recovered from hard drives with shattered platters.

In before some advertising company sues DVR vendors that implement this feature.

But, but, but, they gave you a stand for your portable console to help alleviate the pain of holding it while playing with it's awkward control scheme!

There are some great games on the 3DS that make it worth the price of admission, and that you can play great with the 3D off. Mario Kart 7, Super Mario 3D Land, Resident Evil Revelations, Super Street Fighter IV (which plays in 60fps with 3D off).

As a guy with big hands, I loved loved loved playing games on the DSiXL. The current DSi (which I probably won't get rid of because it's a special edition Pokemon Black one), and the 3DS(when using the D-pad) kinda make my hands get cramped after a while holding such a tiny thing.
