Burn The Block

Cliff’s notes: H3H3 are Shitty YT podcasters.

“I don’t know why. I just — I don’t know why. He does a lot of surgeries.”

Mossimo brand has been gone from Target for years, and is no longer actively selling clothing anywhere. So...¯\_(ツ)_/¯

🙄🙄🙄 “Drain the swamp” is white supremacy lingo.

Pretty soon a turnabout is going to come and cops are going to be shot because everybody will fear for their lives when dealing with them.

You forgot USA in your list.

The only thing I know about Hamtaro is that I always confuse it for Ebichu.

Roanoke is a city in Virgina with a population of almost 100,000 people.


There’s a difference?

Hey, check out these dildos on The Inventory!

Tyson looks like Uncle Phil.

If you read the article, you will find the answer to your question.

*Royal Canadian Mounted Police or RCMP.

There’s nothing to understand except that they’re not amusing.

Those are in Scotland, which is not part of the EU.

I thought this was a known thing, an open “secret” like Kevin Spacey diddling little boys?

I think this is actually a good change. The grid walk with Brundle has been really bad the past few years, so hopefully some time away from it will re-focus it to be on the racers instead of celebs and trying to walk through such a crowd of people.