Burn The Block

F1TV Pro has been around for 2 years where you can do exactly that.

alleged counterfeit

What an interestingly narrow perspective this article takes. Twitch isn’t just for gamers.

Unfortunately, we already know:

Only a few hours later it was pretty much already done. Just slap a “paid for” disclaimer on it:

June 3rd is only a week away. That’s not that long of a shipping time.

f.lux is the only reason I ever jailbroke, and it’s still superior to night shift.

No headphone jack? No buy.

I don’t think the writer is the target market for this phone, and seems to entirely miss the point of it.

Hang on....why do you need a spotter in a video game?

It hasn’t even been 6 months.

Rovers have had air suspension for almost 20 years. It’s plenty reliable, maybe a little more so than anything else on a Rover from that time period.

Texas has been doing that for a week.

Try WinAero Tweaker. It’s the only one I’ve found that actually does all of that. I’ve gone as far as breaking lots of Windows things and having to do a system restore.

Moving past the French-ness of him, the most confusing part is how he signs off the video:

The decision resulted from a lawsuit brought by 19 states, including Washington D.C. and The Big Apple on Friday


Same. But I also have a 4runner. Might be doing a 2 for 1 soon. :(

“Wade Control”????

Also the pillows are stuffed in the windows for lighting because they were blowing out the shot and rather than changing to a filter it’s easier to have consistent lighting throughout the whole shoot.