Burn The Block

Going outside doesn’t even matter if you live in DFW. The cops will barge in on you and shoot you or through the window outside.

I don’t think you’ve been paying attention to BMW recently...

You mean the even numbers that represent 2 door coupes that have 4 doors? Or the X series to represent SUV’s but also the GT suffix on an odd-numbered series?


Ublock filters:

and who have built their site design around some bastardized version of Facebook

G/O Media clickbait headlines are out of control. What a slap in the face to Mercedes and all of their staff to be reduced to “Lewis Hamilton’s team.”

Wow Jalopnik you just can’t help yourselves with the demonstrably false clickbait titles now, can you? First Kubica is “fired” from Williams (he quit) and now Newey is leaving RBTech (it’s a side gig).

It’s like it’s been engineered to guarantee a click and page view for ads. You could almost say some media organization has taken over and demands “clickbait.”

These pictures don’t really help either. Can I get a banana for scale or something?

f.lux is the only reason to ever jailbreak. It still works better than night shift.

Caffeine is fine - it’s literally “hot drinks” aka pouring of hot water over a bean or leaf that is bad.

About 5 years after Jobs died.

Because of marketing. Albon has had lots of screen time, and most recently recruited two new sponsors to STR. On top of that, there is the Thai connection to Red Bull’s origins (however shady). Gasly has been awful at the extra-curricular marketing that Red Bull needs - he severely lacks the charisma. Hard to take him

In Houston in June? Definitely a hot day.

Ricki Ortiz is transgender.

Looks closer to a Spyker than a Huayra.

3 years later and people still don’t understand what ‘drain the swamp’ is referring to.