Burn The Block

Austin didn’t ban Uber they (and Lyft) threw a hissy fit and left because they spent a ton of money on a city ordinance. They’re back now.

Selfies everywhere

So much for making it through the weekend.

Editorial standards at Gizmodo Group are sub-Buzzfeed sub-Digg now.

A shorter list would be who isn’t.

This post was an excuse to post dog GIFs.

Most states have this practice, and other abilities to suspend driving licenses based on misdemeanors/dwi/drug possession. Florida, Virginia, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, etc. etc.

Can’t go wrong with Chapman or Ghurka. Neither will fall apart for generations.

Fuck yeah Republican War Mongers!

This is disgusting but maybe we can get a new Excursion out of it.

We noticed, it’s just Kotaku that didn’t because Kotaku doesn’t cover games any more.

From one of the WH Correspondents dinners.

How about that new studio ringed with a Ferrari and a Lambo though?

The editorial standards of Gawker Gizmodo Media Group get lower by the day. Thanks Patrick!

Was fixed months ago.

That’s not “saying as much” that’s coming to a conclusion about a video’s purpose, when the video explicity states it’s purpose.

No, absolutely not. Not at all.

Yep, they’re the BBC America versions. They cut more than just the music, most shows are 12 minutes shorter and it makes a big difference in flow.

On Destructoid, an actual gaming news site:

Is it a game or an interactive narrative?