Burn The Block
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Spend a few minutes and watch/listen to this video:

There’s a lot of whiskey here...

None of your sources to backup your argument point to laws passed by the country (i.e. nationwide i.e. federal government). State, local, and executive order sure but not a codified law. Her statement is scoped to the federal government.

It looks like a Dodge.

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Try this one, it’s only 4 minutes long:

That’s what the box inside the box looks like. The blue box you see is just a thin skin. You might work in a toy store but you’ve definitely never opened one.

That’s what the box inside the box looks like. The blue box you see is just a thin skin.

At least it’s not 360Forged. Although it might as well be.

Garage kept for 25 years, only driven for a total of 45 months with 47k miles? Red flag.

Streamable has audio support. The original source was gfycat. Stop whining.

Best dirt drop ever. Take that drifters!

Looks very much like Soundcloud orange...

[adult swim] is not Toonami.

Possibly. He said several times that if Hotel Transylvania was a success he would go back to Samurai Jack. But then he made HT2, soooo....?

Remember when Chris Harris was banned from testing Ferrari’s? Or when he used to write for Jalopnik?


Nothing in this article is true. If you want the real plot of the film it’s out there already.

Less Ug. More Boring.

1980’s HeMan Proportions (Now with Extra Boobage!)

Twitter: Now with more Affirmative Action!