Burn The Block

Sin City: A Dame To Kill For (August 22)


Like the back of an Integra?

Right, but then you won't get the huge tax credit.

This is going to be bright af.

I love this font. National Parks Service FTW.

Tony Romo sure does have a type, doesn't he?

I did mean that, but my research proved otherwise. For Americans, at least. (And we all know America is not a slim country. Just go to WalMart.)

It's listed properly as an Evo IX, since that's what the MY15 WRX is.

Have you seen Gawker? And let's not even talk about Deadspin...

9.) Jeep Wrangler

Here are the American averages from 2007-2010 for adults. Notice the average waist is almost 40 inches.

I know, it was super long. Seems like you got lost at the minimum driver weight part. It's not much of a minimum if you add ballast for nonconforming drivers.

Yep, I thought about that; might be why there are no current American F1 drivers.

180 lbs is quite heavy for a 5'5" driver, and is far outside the average weight and height of an adult man (let alone a woman).

I'm just desktop support, Ma'am. Let me put in a request to Networking to see what's going on.

Maybe the switch port on the other end isn't enabled yet?

I'm all for people hacking the things they own; it was decided that jailbreaking your phone is legal, though you can't blame Tesla for not wanting to be on the hook if someone does something dangerous or stupid. Still, with appropriate caveats, it's the man's car and he should be able to tinker as he pleases.

This is something that just about everyone knows, since the number of times that regular human beings go from 0-60 is approximately never. Real speed is acceleration from when you are already rolling, like when you're merging onto a highway, or you're powering out of a turn on some backroad.

Wow. That looks surprisingly similar to a Merc I saw tonight at Lowe's. But I think that was just a GL450.