I can’t decide what’s uglier—the Faraday, or Los Angeles strip malls.
I can’t decide what’s uglier—the Faraday, or Los Angeles strip malls.
They’re traveling for free on a employee pass... There’s different standards when you get it free from the an employee (which then you do represent the company even if you don’t know it) rather than when you paid for your seat.
Lots of tweets, but pictures would say much more. If their leggings were shear enough to effectively be pantyhose/underwear as opposed to proper clothing, I would side with United. It’s unreasonable to assume that just because one of the passengers was young that her parents had her dressed properly. We really…
Thank you for this. The nazi fuck purposely sent a gif to an epileptic Jew with the hopes of triggering a seizure. That is assault and a hate crime.
The gift card is from my H&R Block tax refund bonus offer.
The gift card is from my H&R Block tax refund bonus offer.
Met a strike pilot once and I asked him about those unsinkable non-mobile bases. He gave me a sinister smile and said “Targets”
He quite literally said, “The last time an aircraft carrier has been used in battle was in World War II.” Launching aircraft to be employed in battle is a use, correct? I’m taking issue with his definition of the phrase “used in battle.”
Less than a month after 9/11 the United States Navy sent a swarm ashore. The F/A-18A/C had entered service in 1984 and had proven itself in the first gulf war. This time it was personal, no holds barred, and no quarter given. The USN had three carrier groups actively supporting Operation Enduring Freedom, the umbrella…
There are certainly future conflicts for which the carriers will not be suitable. But to say that they are for the “wars of the past” is also reductive, because it ignores just how uniquely suited they are for the kinds of wars that the US has actually been fighting the past 70 years or so.
Wars on the ground, far…
We do not build carriers to fight naval battles against China and Russia. We build carriers to project air power anywhere in the world, at any time, whether we have accessible air bases with mission permission or not. That is what carriers have been used for since World War II and will continue to be used for.
This seems idiotic to me. Who cares where the candidate worked? When I interview someone, the main question I am trying to answer “Is this person an asshole?” regardless of previous employer. I’ve done well in every company I’ve worked, include some fully stocked with assholes. That says that people are flexible and…
My only issue? Harris brought up “continuity issues” in film, then a few moments later, Top Gear had one. Check the time stamps.
You are, however, probably pretty young.
I was in the middle of high school when the N64 dropped, and the 64DD was kind of a big deal (at least in Nintendo Power at the time).
Well written. This needs more stars. I deal with contractors every day in my profession & they work long hours, early mornings/late evenings/weekends/holidays etc.
One thing to remember is contractors are essentially self-employed (unless they work through an agency, which is different I’ll admit), meaning, in theory,…
The independent contractor model is far more common than many people apparently realize. I’ve worked as an independent contractor tutoring high school students. Somebody else deals with finding students and negotiating fees, all I have to do is show up and teach, and I get a handsome hourly rate. Most tutors work part…
Your writing ability is excellent, but your knowledge of business and law are lacking.
“This is an interesting take from Musk. As Jeremy Owens, the tech editor for Marketwatch, pointed out, Tesla subtracts stock compensation from its earning reports.”
He’s Presumed Innocent, but that plane was a Clear and Present Danger to the jet. What if it had been Air Force One?! If I were a Witness, I’d be Frantic. What Lies Beneath that little plane... I mean, he could’ve been a Widowmaker.