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    it really is weird that they think we are all commenting neophytes that have only ever used Disqus and only at AV Club.

    "I hope the majority of A.V. Club readers are with us long enough to see the platform grow"

    so in months of work the "loss of threaded replies" never came up? and you will still need to "look into it"…?

    can't someone just change the locks?

    this isn't Goldeneye related… but does anyone remember the insaneness of Robotron 64? with the crazy gabber rave soundtrack and levels just get more and more nuts until you have no idea what is even going on but you have like a 200bpm pulse and still somehow winning?

    hmm. i might need to try that…

    oh yes. laptop guns. sooo good. those and the Farsight were the best in multiplayer.

    oh yeah. Goldeneye was basically my life when i was 20 and not old enough to go to clubs. just spending hours and hours at a friends apartment that i basically just left my N64 there to play nonstop. just 4-player matches for 6-7 hours straight it seemed some days. i remember getting *really* good at grenades only. to

    that sky portal better be blue or so help me…

    wasn't there some (presumably rumored) nonsense about how Han Solo isn't even his real name? like some Princess Bride goofiness where he 'takes the role' of the *real* Han Solo.

    that's how you build loyal viewership!

    that was the one where the "beast-ness" was that some model-looking 20yo had what appeared to be a large papercut on his cheek?

    it isn't like he hasn't done TV before either. the Almost Human show on Fox was better (i thought) than i reasonably would have expected. certainly better than other similar shows around the same time.

    i would also like to see such things. that movie was massively underrated.

    too old.

    think of all the young peoples' reality he is ruining with that illegally obtained Viagra. underage sex slaves aren't going to rape themselves.

    truly the party of "Family Values"

    i think you meant : "he's a Trump supporter who's addicted to painkillers and loves to travel to known underage sex tourist destinations with 3 other men and a bottle of viagra in someone elses name." … and i assume that is also pretty common these days.

    except they don't just say "the party" … they say "the Party". slight but important difference i think.