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    @x23: tons more info on that page too.

    @x23: found it myself here. frequency band selection.

    what on earth are the JL YL JP YP YJ YK JS YS YR JK JR buttons for?

    i'm more curious how he knows that Terminators already live there and in one particular region!

    if relatively minimal product placement was your only issue with Independence Day... you need to get out more.

    about time... i've been waiting for someone to try the quite obvious pairing of a turbine / electric motors in a series hybrid.

    half daylight / half nighttime?

    Paris? that seems a bit too close to the 'Ground Zero' WTC site for comfort.

    i'm sure i'm not alone in saying the main reason i won't ever actually buy a Jeep is because of other Jeep owners.

    @protodad: don't be ridiculous! NO set-top box is worth your money unless it can play all these .kltx movie files i personally encoded using JorboxUF8 video and M.895 9.1 audio and optional .fge/.fgt subtitle streams.... it's the only thing i'll use for ripping these days!

    @xd.Balls: yeah totally... cause the iPod ONLY plays MP3s and no other formats at all...

    @2 replies: it is only an issue if the product is in the same commercial space. hence jaguar / jaguar was fine. or they pay for using it like in the case of iPhone.

    this is rad. i remember the first time i went to burning man years and years ago... in a mad max jacket i made... and went to deathguilds thunderdome... and was like 'yeah! see?' ... zero props. boo. weak.

    @JohnnyricoMC: "The more Apple takes existing things and just puts an "i" in front of the name, the more I believe the "i" stands for "idiot". "

    @Swifter: good thing no one is forcing you to sell your Xbox and buy one of these *rumored* devices then... right?

    @Toby Fray: i'm more curious how many minivans of kids are likely to be cruising around at 3am. it has to be a pretty statistically insignificant number.

    @iamjames: MADD is a neo-prohibitionist organization.

    threehorns never play with longnecks.