are you saying it shouldn’t be patched? Any combo that works because of a glitch deserves to be patched.
are you saying it shouldn’t be patched? Any combo that works because of a glitch deserves to be patched.
wow! I would have never guessed ANYONE in the NBA could be a Trump supporter. That’s kinda sad given how much racism fuels his Presidency.
Well if anyone deserves it after that game, it’s Lowry. He’s (and VanFleet) the reason the Raptors won game 6.
you act like it’s super easy to just finish this Magnum Opus. Either way, Benioff and Weiss decided they didn’t care much for Martin’s ending. They decided they didn’t care much for GoT’s at ALL! They wanted out and chose the quickest exit. Season 7 brought together the Avengers and Season 8 ended everything…
yep, he’s a cheater... that sucks
You really don’t know what you’re talking about.. Do you actually think testosterone alone is the entire reason for the physical difference between men and women??? You really think producing testosterone for 24 years and then not producing it for 2 years means a person has literally no physical differences from a…
or maybe you should consider that, just because some people have different views, that does not always equal an assault or hate towards you... of course, thats blasphemous right? If you’re in the ‘movement’ then everything is black/white. You either hate me or you support everything I have ever done or ever will do…
even if you don’t know what the hell your fighting for? most of these SJW’s have no clue what they’re arguing for, they just glom onto any cause in order to ‘push the issue’. Their arguments often do more harm than good as now we have real pushback against progressivism because of the absolute ridiculousness…
thank you for that. people that know what they’re talking about are VERY MUCH AGAINST transgender people fighting biological females. It’s really not okay. Somehow these SJW’s are okay with their buddies being exploited for the sake of the controversy and are okay with throwing a female into a cage with someone…
yeah, I didn’t know she’s a friggin hoaxer, that’s amazingly terrible. Also, though, you may want to consider that she knows a bit more about fighting than most people. People that know what they’re talking about are not okay with a transgender female fighting actual females. You can pretend it doesn’t matter, but…
Come on, Microsoft’s Store is NOT good, but it IS better than Epic... What exactly about it is actually worse than Epic/Origin/Uplay? They’re all, at worst, equally bad!
Thank you for not being dumb...
Yeah, EVERY GAME DOESN’T HAVE TO BE MADE FOR EVERY PERSON! Why do you think they should?? Kids games are for kids, Mature games are for adults, party games are for parties, difficult games are for people WHO LIKE CHALLENGES!
I seriously don’t understand the point here. Are you arguing that every type of disability be acquiesced to in every game? Aren’t there plenty of different games in the world?? Because some people are missing thumbs, should we make games that don’t require controllers? I really don’t get this.
A truly well-written and expansive article. I was just going to read a bit but ended up reading the whole thing. It was just so revelatory. Interestingly, the article didn’t feel like a “hit-piece” at all, in fact I have more hope in Bioware’s future than I did before reading it.
Typically White Nationalism would fall under the ‘umbrella’ of White Supremacy. I don’t think the distinction is incredibly important here either way. We all know the character of the people being discussed, whether they’re called White Nationalists or White Supremacists, we’re talking about the same thing.
FINALLY! Of course trolls will complain that they’re being silenced but Steam Reviews are just terrible atm. I already know when NBA2K comes out that I can’t trust whatever the Steam review is.
A lot of people love Inquisition. I did like the characters. I just couldn’t handle the fact that they leaned away from the hardcore strategy side and turned it into a sort of third-person RPG.
This is literally 100% about qualifying for awards they won’t win.
For one thing, THIS IS COMEDY PEOPLE. GROW A PAIR. It’s not like they said the shit with only white people around, also, ITS FROM 7 YEARS AGO!!!!!!! Holy shit people are losing grip on reality.