
I thought Gaming Mice were about extra buttons, comfort, weight altering abilities, and DPI

that's what I'm saying.

Umm, I'd say easily that the average smartphone has better battery life than the average laptop. And this isn't even considering extended life batteries.

When i first moved from my Droid OG to my Evo, adjusting to the new screen size was kinda weird.

I watch on the iPad. Its great because I can watch on my iPad and then do work stuff on my work monitors. Also its great to use at home when i wanna play videogames while one of the games is on.

And also, slander articles have no place on Kotaku.

Really? You just won't let this topic die will you? The man does his time, has an amazing comeback story, and you just keep bringing this back up. Of all the topics that have nothing to do with video games, this is second day in a row someone goes on a rant to demean and tarnish someone trying to rebuild they're

Well technically its not OVER 9,000, so no Vegeta needed.

Don't Do it!!! MAddeeenn Cuuuuurse.

That's what makes it "Classic"

i live outside of DC and I heard NOTHING about this until this morning. Had I known I would've taken a bunch of pics.

welp back CNN.com then. Or maybe USAToday

filehippo is a great site, and their Update Software is great as well.

yea the music was wierd

Yep. Why someone would buy a Leaf (all Electric, 100 miles at a time) vs a Volt (Electric for 40 miles, then 300-400 on gas) is beyond me.

WebOS only makes sense on HP's Touchsmart products. The only way I could see it being useful on their non-touch computers would be if it was a instant-boot OS. But even then, why would I waste my time in WebOS when I could just wait the extra time and boot into my regular OS/Browser?

The rest of the world needs to catch up with US. U-S-A! U-S-A!

Given the current "4G" marketing push by cell phone companies, I would not be surprised to see that.

Based on pure specs, the iPad2 has been outclassed. Kudos to Motorola and Google on that.

Yea its a steal really. $5 and I can store all kinds of junk in my Google docs and my Picasa web albums.