
You’re awesome! You can have my metrics any day.

“Ala” would be à la. #correction

#correction hangar. Not hanger.

Hangar. Hanger is what you put your clothes on.

While I don’t want to defend him, I have a lot of bad words in my system that came from growing up with racist and sexist comments all around. I never use them, but I always worry they’ll come out when I get really angry.

“your at risk”


I thought all emergency calls were recorded by default?

It’s like (a lot of, not all) Swedes are scared of letting loose. They may _love_ a concert yet just stand there with their arms crossed.

Metal people tend to be a bit wilder in general, so I can’t answer for those audiences ;)

If I didn’t know better I’d say the crowd consisted of Swedes. We’re notoriously sucky audiences.

For me it’s the “what’s up”. They don’t give a shit what’s up for the viewer. It’s a meaningless phrase, just say “hi!”

Nathan, seriously. Proof read. There’s editing leftovers and other errors.

I can’t find any information that this enclosure supports UASP, which means it most likely runs the BOT protocol instead, meaning it’s a terrible choice for an external SSD.

I can’t find any information that this enclosure supports UASP, which means it most likely runs the BOT protocol

I just hope they’re not on the memory saving streak that turned the menus on the pS3 to a turtle crawl.

I’d settle for an updated chat client, with stuff such as:

- Not blocking harmless links
- a history function
- better text input field.
- Fix the right click/copy of an URL.
- Stop telling me all my friends were seen four hours ago.
- Allow to directly send a screenshot to a friend.

Now imagine Trump as a game developer ;)

I used to work with repairing TVs and VCRs. Can you guess how often I found toy soldiers, books, tomatos, hair gel and other things kids can think of stuffing into electronics? They see a family member put stuff in there and they want to try it too.

I was just thinking that, most of chapter 13 is like Resident Evil meets Dead Space.

I got two the first week when it was released, then nothing until yesterday when I got another one. No idea what the chances are but...not great?

Each to their own, but pretty much every picture above screams trying-too-hard-hipster, to me at least.

Glad to see they stepped up from the horrible outfits in the first game. They were boring, stiff, ugly and mostly bad recolours.

For future reference: it’s ‘à la’ not “ala”.