Yeah, but Trump needs to be attacked. He isnt quick on his feet. HRCs attacks on him were equivalent to the Smart kid in class using a smart comeback against the class bully. It works in the class, but accomplishes nothing. AOC is better at Trumps game than he is. She uses social media well and she fires back…
It would not have mattered a single ounce. Hillary went hard on him and all it did was inspire memes and made his base double down on their bullshit. Even when, one by one, former Trump goons turned on him, it has not changed a thing. The people who voted him in will still support him ride or die.
I wish that Kamala would have had a chance to debate Trump. Watching her absolutely annihilate him on the debate stage would have been the best night of the year. Tweeting at him is one thing, but it would be so good to watch him get destroyed on national television and have to sit there and take it.
Clicked through just to read AOC’s clapback. Was not disappointed.
Frustration at what, that society is ever changing and racist honkies like him are going to be held accountable? As for the latter, he sounds like most of he trolls in the grey, which doesn’t shock me.
Florida Man: The regifting no one wants but keeps insisting on giving
Nah, Paleolithic. That ‘stache has Cro-Magnon written all over it....
You know, you have to cut Mike Ditka some slack. He has different attitudes because he grew up in a different era.
One of those “Dollar” stores. Dollar Tree, Dollar Store, Family Dollar, Dollar General, Dolla Dolla Who Bids a Dolla, etc.
TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon, and like most things in pop culture, the black community is leading the…
I worked at a cancer hotline, and the most cringeworthy part of calls were the end where I would ask demographics questions. A vast majority of old white people, when asked their race, say “American.” As someone with native ancestry, I began to delight in getting faux-excited and saying, “Oh, which tribe?” …
I’m a fairly non-stupid white person - if I see a doctor of color, I figure she/he probably had to be twice as good to get half as far as the white doctor standing next to them so, bring it!