First the white people oppressed the black people, and I did not speak out
First the white people oppressed the black people, and I did not speak out
Unfortunately, convincing an ordinary, adult white American of what the 1619 Project argues seems to be as hard as convincing a cult member that their cult believes untrue things or that it has ever done evil. This particular, white American cult revolves around the unbesmirched, unquestionable virtue of the United…
...a homeless fireman’s boot had a better chance of winning the Democratic ticket.
Lying is probably something that should be outlawed for police officers or only allowed for life-and-death emergencies (to get an armed aggressor to stand down, for instance). Maybe it could also be allowed with a warrant for very specific, crime-prevention situations and to help apprehend dangerous criminals. (Such w…
“White Savior” has rightfully become a derogatory term, but I’d be interested to know who is in the running for the other, more honorable Best White Savior award—that is, the person most likely to save us white people from ourselves in 2020. Actually, I’m interested in knowing who are the contenders for each award in…
Fashion crimes to go along with Trump’s war crimes?
As an upstanding and outstanding Caucasian, I am upset by my inclusion and exclusion in these awards, Michael Herriot!!! I am upset by my inclusion as a winner in the White Tears award (even though I am indeed white… and happen to be crying right now.) I am also upset by my exclusion from the award I should have won,…
Why do we white people keep bring up the long-discredited “racist bone” theory? Modern science knows that racism is found in the body’s organs—especially the heart, brain, liver, and tongue. Doctors also know that this deplorable condition is often inoperable and incurable, especially in older, paler patients who are…
A shock jock is not a true shock jock unless their show only lasts one episode (whatever their show may be about.)
“Hey honey, did you take out the trash?”
Yes, it looks like Franklin Graham’s head already exploded, as did his mouth. Speaking of Franklin and Billy Graham, the apple has rolled very, very far from the tree.
Though I’m definitely upset with the people that voted Trump in as president, I’m even more upset with those who picked him to be the Republican nominee. Many among former may have been voting along party lines, thinking more about which party they’d like to fill in the next Supreme Court vacancy (even if they…
Wow, that’s a really-messed up Schoolhouse Rock song! Were they all this bad? I’m slightly relieved that the veiled threat at the end, of finding more “elbow room” in the future, was directed at the moon, rather than someplace on Earth.
On a side note, I’m surprised to see that according to the chart and against my expectations (or prejudices), the South wasn’t the region where the greatest percentage of black professionals experienced racial prejudice. I’m surprised to see it came in third. Does anyone know why there is apparently more…
Politicians’ phrases often need a few extra words in order to bring them closer to the actual truth. Here are some suggestions for Haley’s The Confederate flag was a way for South Carolinians “to [misguidedly] honor [racist, hateful, no-good] ancestors” and an “integral part of our [sordid] past”.
Congratulations, Nikki Haley, on becoming a white man! It’s time to recycle the “Bobby Jindal is so white” memes, with you as the star this time around. Or maybe it’s time for a new name for you: Nikki Paley.
“But you’re thankful for the hand when you can get it. Something a fat, rich man would never understand.”
Let me recap and follow Trump’s lawyer’s reasoning to its logical, unintended conclusion: