
bunch of animals. no wonder mexico is a shithole

who cares, chink humor is funny. im from laos myself.

never apologize to the sjw mob. they dont care. they champion people like zoe quinn who destroyed a man and is being exposed for it.

We get it, you can't nurture human relationships, so you worship your weird cat. Pathetic

Reported to ss

Blizack on blizack crime mostly

too bad. shes an abusive asshole. poor depp

aloha snackbar - Muhammad


grow up. you sound like a weak little person. get thick skin and stop being a drama queen. bye felcia. ps (you sound white bish)

name one

you sound like a bitchy white bish. Take a seat you aint savin the world fat-mayo.

antifa sucks my dark aureola.

im sure you get off on the attention felicia.

What is an unemployed comedian?

No wonder America is so riddle with diabetes and heart disease. It couldn't be cause obesity is now considered something to be proud of. If you are over 50 pounds overweight you are killing yourself. Period. Justify it all you want but it comes down to wanting to stuff your face more than you ride a bike or jog and

Lol. You are so oprressed you mayo bish

you sound like a total pussy man. how do you surivive daily life? i bet you let people walk on you like a door mat

good job making excuses for liars. the truth doesnt care about your bias opinions. just because you were a victim doesnt mean everone who makes an accusation is. Gillicunt is the one who supported mattress girl who turned out to be an absoulte lying whore.