needed a quick burner on vacay without my key

“Look at all this...empty farmland whose one farmer voted for the Imperial Wizard!”

ehhh an audit doesn’t “check for hacking” in the way you think it does. An audit involves a random sampling of ballots, machines, etc. It doesn’t look at all of them. The recount is better.

But a recount is a much more strenuous process than an audit.

Have you noticed, perchance, that the country is in the process of being destroyed already?

Do you really think that they’re going to sit on their laurels and not act out their juvenile sad little control issues on all of us anyway? I’d sure as shit rather it happen in a way like this so that the Republic can unleash on them all at once rather than us be steadily eroded away by small-scale, daily violence

Oh, come on, people. If ANYONE tries to rise up against the US military, they are going to have a real awakening on their hands. This is not the 1800s. We don’t fight wars with farm boys against farm boys anymore. I would LOVE to see some militia types try to start some Red Dawn shit because that would be over so fast

I’m not too afraid of Imperial Wizard supporters. They are cowards at heart.

The sad fact is that there was indeed all sorts of tampering. From FBI collusion to fake news generators, there was a ton of tampering. But somehow that doesn’t matter to the result....? This world sucks.

Except if she doesn’t use those donations for a recount, the people who donated can ask for their money back and I hope they do.

Meh, Nate fucking Silver is not infallible. As we all just fucking saw.

But one of the reasons that made sense for Biden to do is that the Secret Service wouldn’t let him rent it out, as it was before, for security reasons. So they rented it which was a fair compromise.

But he was black and we all know that black people are REALLY scary.

I agree, he’s gonna pull a Palin.

Oh, fuck that. Stop pretending that taking the high road has ever gotten the Democrats anywhere at all. Swear to your heart’s content, make up new swear words, call him a motherfucking cuntface lying sack of twatwaffle, it’s only natural.

Others have said it, but yeah, it’s just a lie. He’ll take the money. Claim he’s not allowed to refuse it. Or some shit.

How is this not a conflict of interest? how? how?

That’s my question. I’ve never been to a country where there was an exit station. How do they prevent you from leaving a country and what is the mechanism by which they do it in SA? Are there outgoing border stations or what have you?

Me too.

Because you too have noticed that whenever anyone in this family falls slightly out of the public eye they do something huge and dramatic or have something huge and dramatic “happen” to them so they’re back on the front pages again

My family is Polish, we, too, know how this ends. I’m pretty sure we’re the only surviving branch of the family tree.