Beef Supreme

as always people conveniently forgetting that most of the vibrant car culture around the world are located in countries with massive public transportation infrastructure

R63 AMG?

Totally agree, but then again I won’t go around claiming the car(s) are fast. I’d say they are fun or exciting instead of pretending they aren’t as slow as a modern day commuter car.

I rather have a Mach e or Lightning than a Tesla (or giving any money to Elon) allday, everyday.

This would probably be the US as well if minivans hadn’t become tainted with the image of being soccer mom vehicles. They’re better at everyday purposes than the giant SUVs people here like, and they can be made more comfortable and more economical to operate. Makes total sense to create a luxury segment for minivans.

No, the Envision is their compact CUV

“...these cars have a very narrow audience.”

20 mpg is terrible in this day and age, especially if all your truck does is haul air back and forth to the office.

The A class is a cracker of a hatchback, and they look very nice in person.

I guess I can't fault you Scamps for making such a Valiant effort 

Seems like you also hate starting your sentences with capital letters.

So it plays a flute. It’s still noise being made completely separately from the operation of the car. 

right but this:

I’ve only ever heard this from the most boring and stupid people on the planet, the kinds of folks who have never picked up a book that an English teacher didn’t hand to them. People with actual intellect and useful high-level skills are foul-mouthed and do not suffer fools. Eat shit dork.

Those plastics in the center console look cheap, around the cupholders and gear selector. More Scion than Lexus.

NP because:

The definition is four or more victims in a single event, injured or killed.

 American gun "culture" is a mental illness. 

Oh I’d so LOVE to write that article.