I don’t want to be this guy, but it’s time to be this guy: LS swap it.
I don’t want to be this guy, but it’s time to be this guy: LS swap it.
Pat King, noted white supremacist and convoy “leader”
You should get that fever checked. Could be covid.
The cowards are using children as human shields, and you’re defending them. Fuck you.
sO MuCh fOr tHe tOlErAnT LeFt
That’s becasue you haven’t. Seen a peaceful protest, that is.
Why? This Caddy is clean, rare and highly collectible. That M5 was rolling trash in need of extensive major repairs.
Yes. A stock DeVille/Fleetwood of the era was a fine, floaty cruiser and deserving of all the plaudits and about half the insults it would still receive to this day. Parts are easy to find (though not cheap), and maintenance/repair is easy for any capable shadetree home mechanic to keep this in fine fettle.
‘Open everything up!!1!1!’
I the motor needs pulling, pull it, sell it, put in an LS for crying out loud. And stick a 6 speed manual in there while you are at it.
That said, the image of hitting someone on the head with a metal jug repeatedly, is pretty horrifying and should not be a matter of levity.
Some stuff doesn’t bug you much right up front. I think most everyone has been there at one time or another, you think “It’s not that bad, I’ll get used to it” but over time the annoyance becomes hatred.
Disagree. Just because you don’t like what’s being said, doesn’t mean it’s wrong.
There was a time when I would agree with you but... We have a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong history of, well, strip mining countries and giving the folks who live there some shiny beads in return. Hell, we did that here. I can’t see that really changing so colonialism is colonialism no matter what you call it.
3rd Gear: The lack of EV funding is 100% on Louis DeJoy. The dude has been doing absolutely everything he can to sabotage USPS, both short and long term, and this is definitely a long term sabotage.
Dude, a Q3 is the pretty “blend in”
Poor lot lizard, thinking a song is a weapon. How homophobic to think it’s a weapon.
a) it’s really not slanderous, but b) you’re right, the correct response isn’t to wish that LEOs would march in in full force, either. If you picture this as a First Nations protest against a pipeline, using the same tactics, what would you want the response to be? Because it should be the same, no matter the…
It’s pretty clever really, when you consider the truckers want to end “man dates”...
Police are never powerless. If they aren't doing something, it's because they don't want to.