Not sure if serious, or conservative.
Not sure if serious, or conservative.
I appreciate your rose coloured glasses, even with the lack of subtlety in claiming that liberal types are less about law and order.
Cops are allowed to have political leanings.
Ok. I know you’re wound up. Please, read my post again.
Calling others self-righteous is some elite level projection.
The organizers/leaders of this hoedown had their bail hearings yesterday.
Can you help by leaving?
Send him to Russia since he’s been carrying Putin’s water for a while now.
We need some sort of idiot’s version of Godwin’s Law.
I don’t know why this is surprising to anybody. I wager that a lot of law enforcement lean right on the political spectrum. I don’t like the conflict of interest that this represents, but again, I am not surprised that some were supporters and blindly donated to the grift. “Some of those who work forces...” and stuff.
I am choosing optimism today.
“strength of the Anglo-Saxon bloodline”
This was one of their thought leaders. Arrested while attempting to flee out east while telling the protestors to stand against police.
I fully support the right to peaceful assembly and protest. And if they want to freeze their nuts off protesting vaccine mandates, go have fun.
You’re obviously not a Canadian.
It’s fine. I have a feeling that anything after about grade 7 will be new learning for them.
I am amazed that you can post so prolifically despite having what is obviously an active head injury.
This is art.
Erik and Raph likely contribute more per article to the bottom line than anyone else, just because they have the usual peanut gallery lighting their torches and sharpening their pitchforks every time they publish something.
The more your ass comes in here to comment, the more it rewards them.