Forgive me for my relative ignorance on the topic... but can you try to explain to me why the following couldn’t have happened? And please, spare your sarcasm.
Forgive me for my relative ignorance on the topic... but can you try to explain to me why the following couldn’t have happened? And please, spare your sarcasm.
Quade is likely cross shopping them.
Man, you must be a riot at parties.
People spend a hell of a lot more money on classics which are objectively worse than a similarly priced newer vehicle.
Precisely zero people are cross shopping a 35 year old LeCar and an Acura TL.
My 1994 Firebird. V6 auto. It was a steaming pile that burned through front turn signal bulbs every 3 weeks, would overheat, and the window trim clips were worn, so the trim would pop out and rattle. The doors were eleventy feet long and a foot side, so parking lots were always a challenge. It was slow, awkward to…
I had the same question. Up here in Canada, I don’t think we got a 2 door Mits in the 90s that wasn’t an Eclipse.
“I’d steal a kid’s cookie if it meant I could get an Audi wagon with her in it”
I don’t think I have ever had these kind of feelings from a commercial that starts with a screaming child.
Ha.. we have one of those right downtown by Bud Gardens.
I live in London, have a friend on one of the streets by that name.
Londoner as well with a friend who lives on Culver. That whole area is a mess to drive though.
Gene Simmons?
Meaning it would probably sell really well over here.
Goddamnit.. use of nothing but memes to attempt to prove a point kind of implies that you don’t have any original thought, so you shamelessly borrow others.
Can I get my pashmina interior in Pasha?
You’re missing out on some really solid automobiles, then. pwn still a thing, or has it been purely relegated to the Civic Si crowd? I haven’t heard that term used in a decade.
The best angle for the current Civic is the straight side profile. Both the front and the back are too busy with fake vents, chrome, and assorted Gundam.