
The right wing engaging in critical thought. Now that is triggering - of a huge bout of belly laughs!

It is notable that the customers in those photos are men.

He’s not actually playing Pokemon Go, ya know.


What a bunch of morons. I just can’t with them. Put her in jail, who cares.

Er, no, that’s not why. They use horses for crowd control because horses are big and strong and keep the cops out of danger. They don’t give a fuck if the horses step on people.

What a fucking shit show.

Fun(?) fact: when I was a young teen, my dad gave me a copy of Riders. To this day I don’t know whether or not he had a clue about the content of that book.

Ohhhhh that was such a good show

lol what? He’s got as much to do with it as Kim, and Kim waded on into this mess. I say, go Bieber.

Slowing it down for you: because...her...court....cases...have...NOTHING....to....do....with...whether...her....claims....are...true...they...are...contract....law....cases....ok...motherfucker?

Now playing

It’s a fair question, but I wasn’t referring to just jobs. I was referring to the many things in life that are hard as fuck and completely uncompensated; even less so than parenthood which at least has this juggernaut of public relations in the form of mommy bloggers, parent martyrs, helicopter parents, school boards,

I can’t either, but for me it’s because he has “dumb face.” You can tell immediately he is dumb as a box of rocks.

Haha! Thanks :)

They are HORRIFYING stories, aren’t they! I feel so bad for those people. What a terrible existence and they can’t do one thing about it. Some of them sound so heartbroken and I know they have no one in real life that they can talk to about it.

But lots of things are difficult and demanding. Parents don’t have that on lock. I think the objection is that people act as if parenting is the only hard thing that anyone ever does and they should be worshipped for it.

Err on the side of caution. Don’t do it, you’ll regret it. Don’t believe me, google “I regret having children” and the results will chill your blood and send you screaming to the doctor for three IUDs.

Errrr “I headed to the movie theater this weekend” does not seem to indicate that this was a press screening. That, and I bet plenty of press find that annoying as well.

I stopped in to say the exact same thing.

Once I got to the part about you being on your phone in the theatre, I stopped reading. That is extremely rude behavior unless you were utterly alone in the theatre. Ugh, don’t be THAT douchebag ruining it for the other people there.