This is just straight trolling at its finest. It’s a fucking portrait video of a landscape video on another phone. People are fucking savages.
This is just straight trolling at its finest. It’s a fucking portrait video of a landscape video on another phone. People are fucking savages.
Not surprised at all that CNN didn’t take her off the desk for the rest of the day just because her brain stopped working for a bit. Otherwise they’d have to fire Don Lemon.
Sadly, Al-Jazeera is far more reputable as a news source than most of the purely American media.
Last word belonged to Charles Woodson until Jim Nantz opened his dick hole to ruin it.
Yes, but the best players in soccer come from overseas. In basketball, just about every country brought on every Amercian they could find that had a trace of heritage back to their country. Why? Because they wanted the best players they could get so that the youth in their country have something to aspire to.
I am not a fan of chocolate. Unless it has peanut butter in it. Or the blood of virgins. Then it is delicious and gives me my power.
This is roughly equilvalent to a guy wearing a nice suit with his legs kicked up. If you're offended by this photo, take it up with society that the beauty standards for women's clothes is to show more skin and wear heels, even at high-end gatherings.
1st and 10
Make fun of these people all you want, Tom. But they have a point. It is high time that we stop just handing everything to black people in this country on a silver platter; what we need is to start paying more attention to the plight of thoroughbred animals like American Pharaoh, owned and care for by billionaires,…
The no-fun police have struck again! Quick, run down to your local park and yell at the kids for enjoying themselves! Go watch every movie and tv show before your friends do and yell out spoilers into megaphones outside their homes while they attempt to sleep! Go to the toy store and steal all the dice from all board…
Well, I, for one, am filled with relief that someone, one brave someone, stepped up to jump in on a conversation about a 13-year-old kid getting crap from a racist teacher to point out who’s really being picked on in our society.
I think he’s saying that uniformed law enforcement has the emotional fragility of a 13-year-old girl, and should be treated as such.
Only when he/she wants to hear, “What the fuck you smiling at?” from some angry-looking dude with his hand on the butt of a gun.
Meanwhile, in Canada, our new Defense Minister is sworn in;
The security people have to make the call on the spot, so it’s easy to criticize them after the fact since hindusight is 20/20.
Super Mayo Boy saves the day by calling the police!
In another comment section someone pointed out that Muslim isn’t a race (but instead a “religion,” which isn’t true; Muslims are people who believe in the religion of Islam), so we shouldn’t call The Donald racist for his plan announcement.
How many public figures from the world of sports do you know who can prompt this kind of discussion? If Curt fucking Schilling can attract attention and debate with his inane Twitter bullshit, why not Kareem?
We all agree with you. Well said. Anyway, See you at the 5 and dime in the morning before we go into the office and slap bottoms in the secretarial pool. You bringing the cigarettes?
I think that you just have an idea of ‘the good ol days” that doesn’t line up with reality.