
I haven’t seen anyone struggle this much to get past Panama since 1914.

Now imagine if they hadn't traded Matt Barnes.

Not that I am defending Floyd but he actually did serve time. Tyson has attempted to turn around his life multiple times but he still denies raping Desiree Washington and won't talk about it.

So, basically, we need more honkeys in sports!

When they say religious liberties, they mean something very specific. They mean the legal right to discriminate against gay people in housing, employment, and commerce. We might be able to get married, but they are still going to fight to keep us second class citizens. The war is not over. Gay marriage was just one

It does read like an MLK/Malcolm X divide between the churches and the other guy she interviews.

Between finishing my masters and starting my phd, I worked for a year at the College of Charleston. During my tenure there were literally four black professors (for the entire cofc) and three administrators (including me). When I would tell friends how Charleston was literally the most racist place I had ever lived*,

Haven’t black churches always participated in the civil rights movement with a distinctly different approach?

I spent five years in Charleston. The “Defenders of Charleston” statue honoring the confederate soldiers is located at the most prominent corner of the most prominent park positioned so that it looks directly over the water at Fort Sumter. Right next to all the replica cannons still pointed at the Fort too. Ya know,

But there are black men, women, and children who live in South Carolina. And had to get up the morning after the shooting and see this symbol of hatred for them, specifically, flying high and proud over the capital. Racists can do what they please. The state shouldn’t endorse it.

i definitely understand that racism is a real issue that causes real problems and sometimes ends lives of real people through violence, and that is something that not just america but the whole world needs to be talking about. like i said, i think we are on the same side of this issue. nothing will ever change if we

I do love it when white people cherry pick quotes from people of color to tell them how they aught to react to their own oppression. Although I disagree with the concept of violent retribution, you can get bent with this nonsense.

You’re saying some things that make people uncomfortable and that’s good. White people can always count on black peoples’ forgiveness. We are far too forgiving as a people.

White people are lucky black people are so nice. Seirously, all white society does is take take take but when does it ever give? if white people love forgiveness and non violence so much why don’t they dole it out to some of their enemies like Isis or the taliban or even the the Nazis? Nope, they want to be the

Race war? How old are you? Do you think that somehow this one act of violent racism could have been the trigger to suddenly start racism as if there isn’t daily interpersonal and systematic racism, as well as a long history of racial violence against black people? Perhaps you speak from the side of the nation that

Uh oh, you’ve commited the ultimate faux pas. Don’t you know justice is just for white people? Black people are supposed to forgive and forget even though our opprwssion is stilk acive and ongoing. Something something mlk, ghandi, something.

I am also white, and while I do not condone violence, my community has not been under siege by the white majority since we forcibly came to this country in bondage. It’s not like I’m crossing my fingers for riots, but because of the riots we have all had to have our noses rubbed in the culture that breeds

And yet, things like this massacre confirm there is no such thing as a just, compassionate god.

So you’re against violent retribution by the oppressed. A valid position, but one that keeps that group in a subservient position and allows the white majority to get away with more killings.

It's also very helpful to the dominant white group, because it stifles the desire for revenge and revolution.