
I was just making to 5 comedies with my boss. I would say that All these are very rewatchable, except he was trying to claim Super Troopers. Smh.

Steel Magnolias? Wow. I guess my mom isn’t there only one...

Fuck the Seahawks and fuck his bullshit miracle water.

I thinking that’s an American thing. European people don’t seem to mind emotions.

Potato salad with raisins? WTF? That’s got to be regional. I’ve never heard of that and I’m surrounded by white people.

Look at a picture of Russ with his shirt off and then look around at you and your buddies. Experience fighting will not come into the equation.

I think he’s saying those jealous dudes on Twitter are stroking it into dirty laundry. Said laundry becomes crunchy while it sits in the hamper.

This is a very different article than i thought it was going to be. I was very ready to talk shit about Russell and his bullshit nanobubbles and dumb ass fucking haircut. So i will anyway, but i am unfamiliar with all this Ciara trash talk. Future is probably more fun to hang out with, but I’d rather have Russ’s corny

Did you agree with the part where he said she would definitely relapse?

This! I read that and was pretty shocked. This guy clearly isn’t qualified to give advice on addiction.

Damn that was brutal. Seriously though.

Yeah. Thanks for that tidbit of anecdotal wisdom which in no way applies universally.

Seriously. There’s a lot in that response that was reprehensible. The advice should have been sell counseling for yourself. Encourage her to sell counseling as well. Seriously consider breaking off the relationship and make a plan in case things get worse/ don’t change. Overall very condescending and disappointing.

It also tastes the best. You don’t even need to fill on smoke it. Just throw in on a charcoal grill with some wood chips. Only problem is there won’t be any leftovers.

Also don’t let your worlds collide.

When you have so much to lose how do you put yourself in those situations. Don’t hit people. Don’t grope people. Don’t call people hateful names. It doesn’t seem that hard, but what do I know, I’m not rich and powerful.

It sounded like a very cool show when I was 10.

I guarantee you their snack tables are legit.

Word. Honestly the racism bothers me the most. The spineless stupidity required to believe your own superiority based on your race kills it for me.

Yes it really does you fucking pinhead. A bunch of stock photos of dead soliders with flags is literally the laziest attempt at an argument I’ve ever seen.