To that point:
To that point:
Listen, I don’t think the guy should be back on CNN, because he acted like an idiot, and he’s an embarrassment. But what he did is akin to jacking off in the bathroom at work, forgetting to lock the door, and a woman steps in. He didn’t tell everybody on the Zoom meeting to watch him jack off. I can well imagine my…
That’s not what he did, so that’s a fascinating takeaway.
I’m pulling for him.
When one of my good friends from high school finally came out to us it was an emotional thing for him and us all. After the tears and hugs and such my other friend said bluntly to break the ice “We always sorta kind of suspected but based on your terrible fashion sense we figured you were just really bad with girls”.…
All these Stranger Things people involved...just give us the new season of THAT show already, instead of this ‘90s R.L. Stine nostalgia slop!
Mayim “I actually have a PhD, have I told you about it?” Bialik belongs second to last, only above Dr. Oz. She’s an anti-vax sympathizer who is currently doing commercials for some brain health supplement snake oil too.
Nothing wrong with confronting your old material but when you have places like the AVClub whose business model now seems to go through a celebrity’s past like a lawyer looking for anything that they did that you can hashtag and make a career destroying scandal out of, don’t you think less people will want to risk…
Just be happy she didn’t go with her original headline idea for this: KKKris Harrison Fired
Shylock was an anti Semitic characticture but the “pound of flesh” phrase has been associated with loan sharks of any ethnicity and pretty much anybody legally over charging for anything for as long as I remember and apparently since the late 18th century.
I don’t think the expression is problematic. Sure, it was originally used in a work that many have called anti-Semitic, but today I don’t think it’s generally used in anti-Semitic contexts.
Congrats, this post is dumber than the article...which says a lot!
Why do you feel the need to defend AVClub so hard? Did someone bump into it?
You think the only people who found this story to be a ridiculous nothing-burger were dudes?
Were there roving bands of self-important dopes deliberately bumping into the women for the express purpose of prompting the irritated response? Because if not, it pretty much ruins the comparison.
I also find it cute that the AV Club will screenshot and quote entire Tweets and articles, sometimes longer than the content produced by the AV Club itself, but when it’s easier to craft the predetermined narrative by picking bits and pieces of someone’s statement, they just post bits and pieces. I thought her post…
“Now, almost a full week later, Kemper has finally decided to respond”
Will we get an apology from Tenreyro for that piece of shit column about this?
I love how the article tries to insinuate that it was terrible that she took a week to respond to this manufactured controversy. Y’all ought to be ashamed of yourselves.
Calling someone racist or homophobic is really not different from calling for a boycott of them.