Wuthany Tangclano

Any bets on which skinny ~a little bit wacky in a non-threatening way~ white boy will play young Wonka? Eddie Redmayne? Timothee Chalamet? Andrew Garfield?

The innovation is more so the layering of instruments playing the same melodies/rhythms to create a full, lush sound. There’s some similarity with recording an orchestra, but it’s a little different in that it’s not as much about harmonizing multiple instruments as it is layering them playing the same melodies to make

Nice write up, but none of that makes his accomplishments outdated. Your opinion is that a technique he pioneered is outdated (which is a clear influence on generations of artists, from the Beach Boys to Eno to Springsteen to MBV to Tame Impala). To cherry pick the terribly mishandled “Let it Be” as a example of Specto

He was certainly a garbage human being, but I’m not sure I understand what an “outdated accomplishment” is. Is Abbey Road an outdated accomplishment? The Great Pyramids? The Theory of Relativity? 

I love that album. It has some of Cohen’s best pop-friendly songwriting, but I’d like to hear a remix that removes a few bricks from that wall of sound... More of a pony wall of sound, if you will

I’d much rather hang with a gaggle of juggaloes than a single MAGA chud

I have to be perfectly honest and say it kinda hurt that a musician I do like has turned out to be a right-wing chud. It’s not something that frequently happens with musicians, since the more conservative ones generally seem to make shitty music, or just leached off their other, more talented bandmates (looking at

It’s interesting these people think a new culture has sprung up around the idea “if you’re a shitty person, I don’t want to work with you or support you”. I think they used to call that the free market.

If Kid Rock's not performing count me out

An interesting part, that makes it clear Donnie is a grifter, is Obama mostly golfed on military and public courses. Donnie has exclusively golfed at private clubs, most belonging to himself. Who wouldn’t skip work to slack off when you’re getting paid for it?

I wonder how he felt when Donnie and Kim Jong-un "fell in love"

“he then asks if it’s possible that a president who never had an approval rating above 50 percent could have simply lost the election.

I don’t necessarily disagree with you, I guess I just don’t see “crappy pop star thinks donald trump is too dumb to function” as particularly controversial. It’s certainly not an endorsement.

Lol dated* excuse my autocorrect

I didn’t a girl from Poland for a while, and it wasn’t until 6 months in she told me I’d been pronouncing her name completely wrong. That would be so grating to me but I guess when you have an uncommon name you get used to it (I think part of it is doubting the pronunciation abilities of north Americans)

I'd have gone with Annetha 

Was anyone trying to write it off though? Him being too ignorant to understand people (for some bizarre reason) value what he has to say and being responsible for what he’s said (and the actions they caused) are not mutually exclusive. Was there a point where Lana Del Ray said “he’s not responsible for what happened

Well, at least he's maybe a little ashamed? It's more than I can say about the dozens of idiots protesting outside of city hall in my city at this very moment. 

Listen, I hate Lana Del Ray’s sappy, overproduced, painfully boring music as much as the next guy, and I know she’s said a lot of dumb shit, but in this case it sounds like she was just trying to say Donald Trump is too dumb to realize his words have power. And, yeah, maybe? If he had any sort of self awareness, he’d

I see a lot of comments talking about the more extreme ups and downs of Aronofsky’s big risks, but his closest analogue to this movie (judging by the details given in the article) is the safer, but beautiful, The Wrestler. Let’s hope Fraser can give the performance Mickey Rourke did.