Wuthany Tangclano

I don’t know anyone under 40 with any sort of cable/satellite hook up. Internet providers are plentiful and far cheaper around here. The one I'm with doesn't offer any sort of television. 

I don’t know if I agree with that. The characters all, somewhat annoyingly, become best friends. Jim gets all gushy when he hears Dwight is next in line for the manager position and it’s contrary to their relationship for almost the entirety of the show. It’s like they started to get Flanderized and then the writers

Kirk Cameron is one of those people who got so caught up in the childish fantasy of religion that they started to poison the lives of people around them. Time to grow up and put away childish things, and put on a mask, dummy.

This looks terrible. Dan Levy should play the lead in Superman and Lewis.

I saw this coward dismiss several others simply asking “why post this nonsense...? Here’s why it’s nonsense...” before making a comment. Funny to be the one to strike the nerve of this pathetic troll.

Ah, Breadnmater’s, has anyone told you that you speak with the coherence of a brain damaged toad? Your cowardly dismissals for being called out after rambling nonsensically about nothing in particular are hilariously pathetic. Please go back to the greys. Toodles, troll

BreadnMaters was stroking out, so not much about their word salad makes any sort of sense.

maybe if your post didn’t lack any sort of coherence and you weren’t super defensive about it when people point out how stupid you sound you might not be mistaken for a maga supporter

He was person of the year in 2016, and Biden receiving person of the year is part of a tradition of incoming presidents gracing the cover. You’re thinking of how he had a fake time magazine cover made before he was president to hang at his golf clubs.

I’ll gladly repost.

What is this word salad? Donnie? You stroking out again?

Haha you guys are correct and I partially rescind my comment.

All I want is to be a symbol of the racist, hypocritical immigration policies enforced by my sugar daddy, is that so wrong?

Turns out people are more interested in reading/writing about women of substance and ability than pretty, vacuous ornaments that sold their soul for money.

Bingo. Donnie has spent his entire political career decrying “coastal elites” while spending his entire life trying to be one. 

Well that sure is a convoluted headline 

Yeah, so it is the same because it could just as easily be "car box" or "car slot" or any other crudely primitive description and it would be the same joke. That you think "car hole" is funnier is fine.

They both make perfect sense with the joke, which is why so many people have misheard it that way. I’m not sure in what world “car hold” sounds fancy, but I have come to prefer car hole myself.

Wait until they hear about Buzz Aldrin’s real life phobia of Ruffles

I love Benevenstanciano. There's not much to get other than it's an unusual name and kind of funny that Marge knows the newsstand man that never makes another appearance in the show by name.