You missed the chance for the Tekken pun.
I was actually surprised that didn’t headline his work credits in the article. I imagine MN09 is the one most people are associating with him at the moment. Not a thing easily forgotten.
How is this beyond good and evil? Why couldn’t they have just done all this ambitious shit with a new i.p and actually delivered on what they’ve been torturing us with for years? I don’t feel the Iris Network working against evil from this. I don’t feel the badass jade from this. I feel an edgy, trying too hard…
I’m much less hot on ancel, but I agree with the cynicism. It just feels like there’s so much potential for us to get jerked around by a name. If we see some shit about Iris or the DomZ maybe, but right now I’m cauotiously optimistic. There’s just been too much change at ubisoft and such a shift from the original in…
I just finished eating a wonderful Homunculus sponsored bowl of Frosted Flakes actually. Timely comment
What if you don’t have an ass to sue? Will they go after my money next??
Boy that’s a nice healthcare plan you got there... be a shame if something happened to it.
Here’s to hoping we get some games and dates announced that might actually compete with the hot titles Playstation has been putting out this year.
I don’t think he could be trusted with a ham sandwich, much less the rights of anyone.
For real. It’s larger than the Witcher 3 GOTY and FFXV combined, which is ridiculous. There’s no reason for it to be that big and climbing.
I still think the Direct fee should’ve been 250, but in the end, the shitty hacks who believe their trash is worth selling will go to any lengths to put it up and all a higher fee would do is barrier poorer devs who actually put all their time and cash into the project already. Time to see whether steams algorithms…
Moon was my second favorite pokemon game of all time, second to emerald and just above XD. I don’t really mind replaying the story, or some variant of it. Is it a poor practice? yeah, probably. But I’m a filthy consumerist worm, so I don’t mind this time.
I’d have thought at least $250, if not $500 would be the amount. I’m quite disappointed in Valve as well.
I was all ready to type very similar words and sentences to you, and then I saw you had already done it.
You’re at 11 stars, I’d like to know the news
I disagree with your lack of complaints about the witcher 3, but so much yes on those load times. I’m playing through the game again, and every time I get... explorative and fall off a cliff or something, the load times are like two minutes long. It’s ridiculous.
dun dun dun dun