
That’s an optimistic view I most certainly do not hold.

Judging by your scalding takes, I take it you’re a hit at parties then?

Did I miss the game’s release somehow? I mean,Sure people bitch about kotaku a lot but I like to think they’d have at least thrown up a little smidgen of an article about it.

Help, I’ve fallen and I can’t get up!

I checked with my expert on Russian law and he just shrugged his shoulder and said “Da”.

I’m surprised the game itself wasn’t banned. Do you smell progress? I smell progress. Wait, no. That might just be loneliness and smores.

Ooooh. I might have to check that out, thanks for the info I’m pretty sure I didn’t know. You always learn new stuff in every playthrough on an elder scrolls game.

I half expected this to be Postal-Z: Water Cooler Chalk. (play on the chalk outline and water cooler talk, I should be on greenlight with this). Because, Post office really would fit the theme of it being a horrible game about working in an of... oh. You meant horror game. I apologize. Please continue.

I have to say that I’m looking forward for the chance to kill the emperor again. It was probably my favorite non dlc questline when I ran the game through the first time back when. I’ve never replayed it in any other playthrough since, so it’s making me salivate just thinking about it.

As a man who is currently playing through the dawnguard just so I’m high enough level to get the most out of the Dark Brotherhood questline, I appreciate that one.

Judging by reviews, and by that I mean Jim Sterlings jimpressions video, The Last Guardian was just essentially a 200whenever development began game brought forward. I however, am a greedy, snobby, entitled gamer who does not want just a sequel, I want a fucking amazing sequel. One created using modern day (at least,

Oh, what’s the harm? We could call it Half Life 3-Z

The game for which the original trailer/art came out in 2008, with discussion of it being in production with time and effort being put in occurring around the same time, and then years later being “confirmed” to be in PRE production? That one? If by development you mean development hell then maybe, yeah. I could spot

If we’re talking assets, why not just give the rights to Digital Homicide? License the cut scenes to BMC Studios?

Fuck half life 3, I’ll always be holding out hope for Beyond Good and Evil 2. At least you guys GOT a second game. Excuse me as I cry about my worthless life, and about the fact that one of top five games in my library of all time will not get a sequel... ever.

A quietly reported fact about this story, is that much like the ambassador assassination the other day, the driver was caught shouting something before the encounter began. Sources claim it’s along the lines of “Skyrim belongs to the Nords”


I’m saving all my steam chips for I am Setsuna currently

Prison guards have rough fucking jobs man, and if there’s one thing you probably don’t want is a strike by them. Good luck finding quality replacements. Of course, reading over it, that was the U.K not that U.S. But boy just imagine if you had a prison like Attica or Sing Sing where even a third of the guard force

Not much there for me, but I’m content after such a strong showing of free releases this year. Here’s to the next free year being just as good, and thrice as free!