As I scrolled through the article I caught the only real important part of it.
As I scrolled through the article I caught the only real important part of it.
Kuzu no Honkai is FAR more adult than Toradora will ever aspire to be. Masamune can cause some recoil, although I dropped it pretty early on. Both of these are manga that you can check out at least the first chapter of to see if the stories are up your alley.
That’s what I’ve assumed too
Ouch, I save most of my horror for manga but the disappointment must sting there too. There’s always next season...right?
This line of course injected me with a multitude of seconds of immediate merriment as well.
I’ve heard that the dub is amazing, but I’m a forever “never dubber”. It just feels like the dub loses some stuff in translation.
That’s disappointing to hear. I hadn’t heard much about it, only what I’d read here and there and I gotta say that’s pretty off putting. I was actually planning on watching it tonight... Maybe I’ll just rewatch Mawaru Penguindrum for the eighth time instead. Thanks for the heads up mate
Short answer? I was bored and it was one of the few that had shine for me. Long answer, The prison quirk had me, It tried to put me off really hard with it’s sparkliness, and it really came down to Yamato that kept me watching the extent of it, but the extension of the (This is a spoiler) battle tourney(END spoiler),…
In no particular order I’d say the ones worth watching that I’ve seen or had a good glimpse at would be,
When I played Roadhog on any map that had places you could knock people off, you’d bet the house, wife and kids I’d be trying to knock them off. Or chain them over a hole. either works
Judge me all you want, but all I saw was the waifu poster in the background.
All of these people here saying “What a great review” and I’m just crying because I want no spoilers for the game and wanted to know whether it would be great. (Which according to that block of review at the top, it is).
Well, depending on your definition of “most” perhaps. Very similar.
Well, depending on your definition of “most” perhaps. Very similar.
The Challenger and Skyrim ones were the best to me, and that’s totally not because I missed almost every other joke there... yeah...definitely.
Or I mean you could buy the full civ 5 at around 90% discount, from 100 to 12ish dollars on steam.
Or I mean you could buy the full civ 5 at around 90% discount, from 100 to 12ish dollars on steam.
That’s really funny, because beyblade didn’t make the top ten of my childhood games list. I’d have played Magic The Gathering before it.
I’ve been waiting a long ass time for the EIghties to finally be on netflix man. Having watched every episode of the Sixties and Seventies at least twelve times each, it would be fair to say I’ve thirsting for the third in the series pretty badly.
Sorry, my thanks to god are booked for Jim Sterling for about... the rest of foreseeable eternity. Can I pencil you in for a later date?
As much as I’d love to shout ‘Beyond Good and Evil 2' I think we all know this is the Cowboy BeBop video game