
I’m pretty pumped for it. The delay actually gives me a chance to get my bank in order after my summer of blowing cash on games, and probably enough time to pre order it. Most of my Final Fantasy playing friends also feel similar

Well played

He’s now pulling a real life Angel Beats on us folks. I think we can consider him officially “god tier” for the dedication to his craft. Good luck mister, I’m pulling for you.

I’m a few badges in, looking for the Amatree gym leader and I have a few gripes with the game. Most of them are personal salt, but whatever right? Make no mistake though, pretty good game so far, with excellent detail. Feels almost like an incestual sibling to black and white maybe? I’d give it a 7/8 so far

Hey, at least they weren’t showing up at your house, sweaty trolly hands filled with buster swords, illumination spells and pitchforks in hand demanding “thy head” like some kind of Final Fantasy Frankenstein this time right? ...Right?

That was extraordinary, thanks for the link.

Solid name choice

This is one of the mechanics that Blizzard needs to fix. I’ve had multiple competitive matches where about half the team just ups and leaves, and since no one is allowed to join the match, we get absolutely pub stomped. I don’t really care about their “deterrent” because loss of xp is pointless and it doesn’t seem to

This is before of course, Bethesda announces that Jun and Marcy are the quest givers for the Nuka World D.L.C.