
I’m sorry

I haven’t felt this good since my last boweling . . .

This is what comes of taxing investment income at substantially less than labor earnings. Money builds up in huge piles, it sloshes around, builds up, gropes around blindly for places to park itself and grow. Even with palatial homes and yachts and cars and trophy wives and multiple passports and Senate seats, beyond

Well let me restate those in the form of statements rather than questions then: I don’t think we can drastically reduce the number through ‘education’, nor do I think ‘we’ve taught everyone that [rape] is okay’. I don’t see the issue as being one of insufficient feminism or sex education but rather than rape is a just

But we can drastically *reduce* the number

‘Cept isn’t rape a bit like kidknapping or abuse, insofar as you are vastly more likely to be raped by someone you know and are otherwise comfortable with (and very likely naked in the presence of) rather than by a random ‘stranger in an alley’ as the nightmare vision of these things goes?

And when it’s all done, the winner has successfully won control of North Africa.

NFC ring

The first wearable designed for mobsters! I love it!

We’re in the throes of a wearables-obsession

What’s wrong with titillation? Especially when it involves drawings and not actual pornographic actors?

Well okay, then martial arts, legalization of civilian taser ownership, or concealed carry seem like the way to go.

Not robust law enforcement, since it is, y’know, a crime?

It’s weird: Feminists deserve so much credit for clarifying that rape is an act of violence, not sex. And yet there’s this nigh-religious conviction that rape could only be an expression of insufficient feminism, not just an expression of ordinary human entropic criminality like murder or theft or vandalism.

No jokes in here about gift subscriptions to Rolling Stone?

saw the children

Nope, staying right here, thanks!

I am all for nudity. I love nudity.

Why? Why not sexualize them? Why do you not like sex?

I see a huge problem with it. But they aren’t underage bodies at all, they are drawings.