
Totally. In my mind, that is one of the main intents of equality movements, giving minority communities the power they were never given initially.

I would argue that it is also about consent. Somehow, everyone seems to have forgotten that the police department exists at the discretion of the tax payer constituency. We give consent to the police protect our communities, but somehow that consent has been perverted via the cops into “we suspect our community”. As

ETA: I see what you did there. N/M

Totally. I just figured all that was implied. LOL

THey suffer from the same things as their supporters....it’s really a confluence of several factors:

Dang you’re right. I guess the Noonan bot has a long way to go.

I was under the impression that Peggy Noonan was replaced by one of Google’s early Beta dialogue bots... Is this not the case? And don’t you think that Google would have replaced her beta racist bot with a more advanced racist bot at this point?

I dunno maaan. I was merely speculating.. We live in an absurdist reality these days, so I guess the thought of suicide insurance doesn’t seem that abnormal at the moment. LOL

Pearl is just outside Jackson. It’s actually the home of the guy who kicked off the school shooting trend back in the late 90's. Nothing too wrong about Pearl itself, it’s just that that area of central Mississippi is a pretty jacked up place to live.

I suppose unless you are wealthy enough to pay for the kind of policy that covers suicide. I’m sure Lloyds isn’t afraid to write those for the right price. Let’s just hope he forgot to delete his browser history.

Pearl? Oh LAWD! Bless his heart.

Completely agree.

My skin literally crawled off my body. I have to go get a coat now, because my exposed fascia is cold.

Right!? How the fuck do they not see the parallel? It’s just mind boggling and only demonstrates their inherent meanness.

What the actual fuck? This is why I don’t read the greys.

Flag away. You are a mean person. I’m not sure what kind of social justice you are fighting for, but I’m personally opposed to mean people. That includes rapists and alt-right trolls. You are fundamentally mean. Think about that as you shout “hate speech”.

Why are you so angry? There was absolutely no reason for you to be so hostile in your original response to my first comment. I was just passively opining on how awesome my own wife and my own relationship was. I was literally being thankful, which is in itself a positive thing. But you...you’re just a pool of negative

Yeah, I … don’t love being the one who tells you if no one else has yet, but

At least now we know Mr. Sexton’s kinja handle. LOL