Fully aware...it’s just sometimes cathartic to sullenly point out the obvious.
Fully aware...it’s just sometimes cathartic to sullenly point out the obvious.
I was under the impression that Republicans hated for the government to waste money and were adamantly for LESS government overall. I was also under the impression that we were the “Home of the Brave..”, not home of the bed wetting, gun toting, shit yourself if you see someone brown....
I know right... My home state is Mississippi. Both the governor and Lt. governor have direct financial interests in the private prison industry...
A million dollars a year for every year imprisoned will be a good start.
Americans have the power to insist on a “policing by consent” model. We just have to choose to do so. There is no reason beyond funding and an overall lack of imagination that we allow our communities to be policed in this manner.
Hey mang, don’t hate on me for being drawn in by stock photos of elf ladies.
All that tech on board and the driver in the stock photo can’t manage to park it between the freakin lines. Speaks volumes.
Do you feel better now? Was that cathartic?
I guess you have never worked retail.
It is truly ironic, considering the old Soviet stance on religion....yes, the Orthodox church survived through Soviet Russia...but only after a fair amount of blood letting, desecration etc....
Is Mandy Moore still a thing?
One nation, under deez nuts.
Help me work through this logic... If the National Enquirer prints it, then it definitely is not true...*whew*.....But things that are not true are now real....*fuck*.... Also, God is love and love is blind.... Ray Charles is blind....therefore Ray Charles is god!
Humans ruin every-fucking-thing.
Same. Definitely sticking with the solo kid for now...at least until it looks like we are going to collectively back away from the cliff a few steps.
Thank you for this.
Jesus...I tried to make this very argument a few months back after her jewelry was robbed and I was attacked head on by Kardashian defenders. +10 internets for nailing it.