
The trailhawk is $29,500.

I'm still hoping it ends up close to this render

"Last summer I bought a Hummer H3 on a whim. Because I'm a fucking retard, I didn't know I would be spending up to $350 per month on gas. So instead of ditching this vehicle like any smart person would, I'm trying to fix my original dumb choice with another dumb choice by buying the dumb blinking light called a fuel

Hahaha - they brought you to the factory because you called them hipsters. Then they took a picture of you from an artistic angle, wearing loafers, rolled up jeans, and goggles, and it appears they even threw a filter on it. In short, they gave YOU the hipster look! BOOM! Seriously though, cool interview; looking

Nice job!

Stig's tend to have issues with performing tasks other than driving.

Chris Hanson-"Hello, I'm Chris Haaaaaaaaanson. What brought you into this dealership today?"

Where the fuck is AMMU-NATION?

Such vanity plate. Much 959. Wow.

I present to you the external temperature reading a few weeks ago from my poor Ford Taurus in Whitehorse, Yukon. It must imagine every day the life it should have had with a retiree in Boca Raton instead of a 27 year old idiot who moved to the north. Also FYI: -39 Celsius is -38 in Fahrenheit.

The girl in the passenger seat was obviously helping him steer.

In the movie Jurassic Park there was a scene where they brought dinosaurs back to life.

Chuck Norris is the one flying. Not the planes. They are simply strapped to his boots.

Well we all knew that was coming and someone had to do it.

I'm sorry. It had to be done.