
Gets me a bit more excited for my '14 Trailhawk on order!

Hi-res for you background junkies.

Also barely being able to see practically fuck all until she did turn them on by that point she was already sliding.

First time I have ever seen the XJ220 headlights open. I always wondered what happened with them, cool!

I always kinda liked this shot too, just before the takeoff.

Scrap the stripes and I will make sweet love to this thing.

I believe it belongs to some Google executive. Try for a google search and maybe you can find your victim...

I'm sorry, but now you HAVE seen them on a Tesla.

You, hang a hard right here and open that box up for all those people to escape one by one.

I think the 'snake eye' LED's in my dad's new Viper look pretty mean! More so in the flesh though.

Ohhh Lorddddyyy!

Took me about 15 seconds to find it, was looking for like a bong outline or something lmao

r/trees? Haha

Not a problem. a little tip for the future what I usually do for the high-res of some of these pictures is just right click "copy image url" on the picture, paste that into the search bar, erase "ku-bigpic" out of the url and replace it with "original" and it should usually give you the full size.

I think it may have been different if it were the SRT8 model. Those things are pretty fast, not saying it's right not to sell her one but I'd call a 470hp V8 pretty "sporty". The R/T though like he was talking about, no, it's more a family car with a bit of go.

You would think if they're so crazy about their badge, they'd put it on straight.......

I figured because this Citroen nearly has the exact roof as the Fiat from the back. Doesn't look like it ends on the top rear edge.

Pretty sure the Fiat 500 Cabrio is basically a canvas sunroof.