
It's hard to tell all those corporate sellouts apart.

Insanity over WFP, which was the WFP digging out the racism and misogyny cards to deflect from their non explaination and change the subject to comments that never even occured.

Well as a Kennedy, tradition states the US government will kill him anyway.  

“Its 2019 and everyone is an easily offended baby now"

Underrated movie.

He lives just to suffer.

They dont exist.  I saw the twitter thread, they were all legit comments based on the lqck of logic of their choice.  They further dug the hole when they had a spokesman go on TV and give a reasoning that didnt add up at all.  This racism/misogyny thing is a pathetic deflection.

There were no attacks.  They are desperately deflecting with the racism and misogyny cards cause they got called out and can't explain.  And the outrage police are buying right into it with no evidence.

Punch RockGroin

They are so full of shit. A complete deflection away from the shit choice they made. There has been zero proof of their claim.

Hahaha!  You gave me a flashback to the "He's just not ready" ads.

NDP would be better for Canada but it won’t happen. So in the meantime lets all scream racist at a guy who clearly isnt. At most, insensitive.

It's pretty sad that he filibusters when called out on his racist bullshit.

Wealth tops everything, sorry.  It's not about race.

You must beg black people to whip you so you feel better about being white.  That's pretty sad.

Racism in general.  Weird you seem to be justifying it against certain groups.  Thats pretty odd.

Yea, no it isnt.  Take the white guilt elsewhere.

Rich has everything to do with it, not being white, you racist moron.

You never had a point to begin with.

Wow, a childlike internet meme response.  Color me shocked.