
Yea just like Liz Warren.

Nick Martin never afraid to illustrate that he has severe white guilt and literally hates being white.

64 isnt even that old. Besides, i think it had more to do with her being female.

Everyone knows Area 51 is a front, and the real shit is at Area 52.

Yea everything you said at the end is wrong. You dont get to assault anyone over words or beliefs. You belong in jail if you do.

Bernie just shit in Costa's bitch mouth.

A giant waste of time.  Why would you have a house vote just to say the president is a meanie?  What purpose does that serve?

Somebody call my momma!

You could say that about any group of people.

Surely you know that a side effect of using a lazarus pit is temporary insanity.

He's just looking for another excuse for attention.  Boo hoo, there's a flag on a shoe.  But Nike's current use of slaves to make their products?  Kaep doesnt care, do you?

New York tossing out ballots that go against the establishment?  Welcome to the 2016 primaries all over again.

Because he's desperate for attention.

Or on the other hand, controversial if you are desperate to find any reason to be offended to justify fake outrage over it.

Our own government as well as major media outlets all pushed the lie that Assad gassed his own people. It was bullshit then, and even now General Mattis said it was bullshit. You think Facebook would stoo that misinformation?

And who exactly are these people to have the authority on whats real and what isnt?

Al Sharpton had a weekday show but it was terrible and he spoke slowly.  Racist establishment hack Joy Reid did too, until they quietly moved her to the weekends to spread her bile after her anti gay blogs came out.  Melissa Harris Perry had a show but she got fired for noy playing MSNBC's games on who to and not to

Matthews is there to remind everyone on a daily basis how he used to suck Tip O'Neil's cock.

As the only black person on stage, id like to mention that i am black. Black black black.

So you are ok with giving up your liberties. I thought you republican maniacs were all about freedom.