Her father was a war criminal and the world is better off without him.
Her father was a war criminal and the world is better off without him.
Club doesnt want shit music played. And this is bad?
Haha jesus christ.
Does everyone deserve the right to be as smug and condescending as you are here?
I get hurt worse than you! Your pain doesnt matter!
Not using assets from DOOM 2 is unfortunate since we dont get the newer enemies and the supershotgun, but still worth a play. The music alone is great AND you get it in new and midi form as well.
Out of bounds on the fast track to flavor town?
Yea but it’s Florida. This isnt a surprise.
Apparently it didnt happen because he punched the head of Fox.
I have. In fact, I was thinking about paraphrasing him. Bill Burr has a similar line about the word “faggot” where as calling someone that isnt an insult to their sexuality or mean that you are bigoted or hateful towards homosexuals. Alas, the virtue signaling SJW fake outrage police will lose their minds anyway, as…
Why is being white and old a problem? Would you dare say that same quote in reference to a non white group?
Tell that to FDR bud.
You didn't school anything. You spoke in memes like a child and scoured months of my comments for hours until you found anything mentioning race and pretended you proved something. It was pretty sad. The fact you are still following me now illustrates that point.
I see the bitter child is still back stalking me. Want to bring up more “receipts” that dont prove anything other than you being a moron who thinks everything is racist?
Eh i still will.
Because Hot Coldman from Peacewalker wasnt enough.
Kojima is an egomaniac who thinks he’s Hollywood level material. I love all the Metal Gear games, but im not gonna pretend they arent a mess of convoluted ideas, plotholes, and retcons, either.
Shoulda ran a better candidate instead of the only one who could possibly lose to Trump.
Well the result is still the same so it obviously doesnt matter.