
Superior Spider-Man didn't find this funny.

Read above, genius. Lots of great minds with the same idea.

Make him Pope?

Ain't that the truth. It's part of the job description.

A man of the cloth molesting children.

Good. And hopefully there is a suitable punishment.

The AV Club reviews - best way to 'watch' a show that blows and sucks at the same time.

Blowjob if you blowjob like blowjob your so-blowjob-called blowjob comedy blowjob shows blowjob to have blowjob every single blowjob other blowjob word of blowjob dialogue to blowjob be blowjob blowjob, then blowjob you blowjob are welcome blowjob to this blowjob of a blowjob show blowjob.

Well DONE, Amazon, or me, to whom Amazon listened exclusively.

Not bad, but not an A-. Manhattan was an A-. And no one is watching Manhattan.

So Carrie tried to drown her baby. And people will keep watching why? And Showtime will expect people to care about what happens to Carrie why? Do mothers routinely try to drown their babies?

You mean like Tony Soprano's mother's head on another actor's body?

>>>>>The most preposterous part of these episodes wasn't Carrie trying to drown her baby,


Because Broadchurch was superior, and Gracepoint is shit.

Hah…nah, those behind Broadchurch had those coins dangled in front of their greedy little faces and gave away the farm.

REFINED? Ummm, okay. Refined as in shyte?

"This is Broadchurch. Only the names have been changed to protect the better series."

TV snobs? Because I watch UK shows I am a TV snob?

You said it. If he wasn't screaming, he was whispering or talking…………….really………….slowly………………. the way Hugh Laurie did as House.