
Weren't they all mobsters?

You got that right.

Woof. Sounds unwatchable, and I wasn't even going to watch.

Is '9' the number of plastic surgeries he's had? Or the number of original pieces of flesh on his face? Or his IQ?

You found Teddy, daughter abandoner and noble animal murderer, LIKEABLE?

Did I just find out that Willowbrook was made by Geraldo Rivera, and NOT a talented documentary maker?

Ahhhhh, thank you, that makes sense.

Well, they were all inbred a-holes suffering from narcissistic personality disorder. I'm sure Teddy's first wife was an enabler, and those with NPD couldn't care less about their kids, hence the kicking of his beautiful daughter to the curb.

I don't either, but she won't bother you here (I didn't know it was she until I read her name) - seriously.

Simon, I have to agree with you on the Civil War and some others. Burns seems to spend a lot of time reaching over to pat himself on the back. My taste runs more towards the Frederick Wiseman style of documentaries.

Who was the guy with facial hair very often on camera who was nearly crying when talking about FDR's polio? A biographer, I imagine, but I failed to see his name given.

Yeah, how cool was it that the evil Pope had to come crawling to her?

And in the end, so what. After what she went through, more power to her.

More like a psychotic nutjob.

>>>>>>>Interestingly first-cousin marriage is allowed in New York.

I agree. What a dame.

Awwwwwwwwwwwww…………..I will miss her so much.

Well, he's a no talent bum, he may as well host SNL. He should ask Tom Cruise, another no talent bum, to join him.

David Lynch for President of the U.S. of A.

Wait, you're serious.