
Nor could Matthew hide his disgust.

That shot of MacConaughey being big time PO'ed will go viral, right?

NOW where do I go to be snarky and such as all that?

Best dress of the night.

I hate Billy Crystal, I had it on mute.

I can't wait to watch the Seth Meyers late night show……………………….

That's right, I wonder what they think about that decision now.

You said it.

That's it, Nic. You won't get a chance to do that again.

Have one for me. I hate it when I'm right.

WHAT did I say.

YES, did you see that?

Whoa, Matt is PO'ed.

Again……….. :O)

That's okay, I still love you too.


Ah, my bad.

Ummmm, yeah, okay.

Ain't that the truth.

In the form of Seth Meyers.