

But won't she be ousted when she doesn't win? And goes back to being VEEP, because where else can she go? How does stuff like this work? I was asleep during those classes in school. But thanks to CNN, I just found out that JFK was not only a whoremonger, he inflated the space race statistics during the debates with

Cool. Louie CK is reading here, so he knows I think he's a douche with his rape episode. Yes, Virginia, that Louie episode WAS rape. Don't let any man (or boy) tell you otherwise.

Yes, this one show should be thrown off the air.

He is right, it was 'riveting'. It was riveting when it was on, and riveting until it was on again.

Yes, the one good thing about him.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA……………..oh, wait, you're serious.


Did they kick him in the balls, as Pamela should have done Louie?

Until this rape, I've been enjoying it.

>>>>>Gervais has responded to complaints that he’s caricaturing people with developmental disabilities

It was, sorry, sarcasm that is.

Consulting Producer, Pamela was a consulting producer in Season One.

The Levy with the Chevy that was dry?

Yes, it was.

Don't forget the word 'triumph'. As in 'some' will think the rape was a 'triumph'.

Nothing. It's just pathetic to read that 'some' think it wasn't rape.

He didn't stop. She didn't want him to kiss her. He forced her to kiss him.

You're a guy, right?

No, come on, seriously?