
Good point.

So who gets ground up in the wood chipper? Based on his acting (un)ability, I vote for Colin Hanks.

>>>>>>>>>>>depicting everyone in Washington as soulless and superficial.

A sequel. What a great idea. SARCASM.

I don't know. Since he got his new set, he seems to have lost some of his edge.

Like everyone else who has a talk show didn't whore themselves to get it.


A.: So they can overcharge for them.

Who's Drake? More importantly, I don't give a flying f*** who Drake is. I'm sure he's a no talent bum.

Swoon…….Rust Cohle. Then I'd slap him upside the head and ask him what the f*** he was thinking by abandoning his nihilist views in Episode 8. Light in the heavens my a**.

Oh, and isn't it nice that no one in America, not even Cardinal Sheen, cares what Steverino is smoking?

I'd still like David Lynch as sidekick.

Ain't it though?

Will he pronounce the 't' in his surname?* Does anyone in his family pronounce the 't' in his surname? Or will Webster not pronounce the 't' in 'report'?

Yes, it was a very good show. As good in reruns as originally.

That it was.

>>>>>>Mickey was the MVP of this season.

Can they still pop out his liver and give it to someone more deserving?

Whoa. As a blond, he looks like that other, much older actor, who dyed his hair blond for a show, and looked freaky.